26/38 The Party is Over
Video still: explosion in Lugo
Ready to walk again after days of rest. So I thought, so I hoped, but I did not sleep one bit last night. I had really bad abdominal pain. I felt like s..., which, now I think of it, had turned a funny colour lately. With most services closed because of the festival I took no chance, packed my bag and bussed myself to Santiago in search of an English speaking doctor. There was more chance to find one in Santiago, which gets many more international visitors, than provincial Lugo. The tourist information advised me to go a private hospital. It seemed a bit overkill, but that is the only place I could expect English being spoken. Within half an hour I was on a stretcher and not going anywhere.Video still: drip
Drip in my arm, no more food and drink, not that I had had any that morning. The doctor had a very worried look on his face when I told him that my stools were black. It took a while to sink in that I had been loosing blood, for the last 3 days, and when you loose enough, you are dead! Dead! Who, me? My body? Oh… They did tests all afternoon and evening and took a look inside to see what was going on. By 10 pm. I was finally allowed to sleep for the first time in 40 hours. I was exhausted, no dreams that night, just sleeping and surrender to the medication.