3/38 Obstructing Clutter
Video still: Marian Procession, people clinging to their individual, group or national identity and pride in the sanctuary.
Last year I went to the area in India where H.H. The Dalai Lama resides. At first I only saw nothing but the commercial clutter of the town. On the third day I was finally able to connect to the essence and all the clutter and distractions were no longer an obstacle. Because of that experience in India I came to Lourdes prepared. I was able to ignore the commercial and even the religious clutter surrounding the Lourdes Sanctuary from the moment I got there. The connection with the essence of Lourdes was instant. I can understand why so many people dislike Lourdes.
Video still: Marian Procession
This day brought a surprise. The Opera of Napoli was in Lourdes on pilgrimage and gave a free concert that night in the church. It was just fabulous. The singing and music touched the core of my bones. Many pilgrims were very busy being busy, and never realised what a gift this performance was. Some even walked out without having enjoyed as much as a note. Video stills: bored in the face of Light.